A role can be thought of as either a database user, or a group of database users, depending on how the role is set up. In this gude, we will discuss how to properly manage privileges and user grant permissions. This will allow you to provide your applications the privileges they need without allowing them freedom to affect separate databases. I believe that much of this stemmed from the fact that up until Version there was no way to manipulate the permissions on more than one object at a time, you simply had to grant permissions to each object.
Then when another was added more permissions had to follow, it was never ending. Now with version things have gotten simpler. It is therefore no longer necessary to use the keyword GROUP to identify whether a grantee is a user or a group. Customarily, this role will be named postgres. In order to create more roles you first have to connect as this initial role.
Every connection to the database server is made using the name of some particular role, and this role determines the initial access privileges for commands issued in that connection. Each schema correlates to an application. Give all the permissions to a user on a DB.
Query grants for a table in postgres. How do I create a user account called tom and grant permission for database called jerry?